Empowering companies to strut their stuff in the digital age.

Saturday, October 2, 2010 from TalentRooster

Fortune 500 Firms Go With Video Resume

When an idea makes sense it's only a matter of time until some industry leader becomes a first adopter. The idea of a video resume isn't new - it's been around since before the beta max. However, thanks in part to recent technology advancements it's finally easy to create a video resume and for hiring managers to view it. The challenge is how to get others on board to give video resumes a second chance - this disruptive technology is coming whether we embrace it or not.

Following our local market we learned that several Fortune 500 companies are integrating video resumes into their hiring process. Typically these companies interview thousands of candidates per year and it can take weeks or months before a candidate is extended an offer. How can anyone actually remember each candidate? What about when a key executive is unavailable to meet the candidate? What are your options - reschedule? Delay the process?

The technology to create a professional video resume is so robust that hiring managers can send a link to a candidate to complete the process from home. You can see and hear a candidate before committing to an interview - how awesome is that? Better yet, all the videos are kept in a repository so you can always refer back. When a job seeker calls to check on their status (and you can't remember them) you simply click on their video and voila! You can see and hear them once again, refreshing your memory and expediting the process.

This concept makes good business sense. If your company has a high speed internet connection, it's all you need. Contact TalentRooster.com to learn more.

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