Empowering companies to strut their stuff in the digital age.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010 from TalentRooster

Temporary Bump In Hiring - What To Do Now....

Thinking further about the increase in business to search, recruiting, staffing and HR firms, I had some additional thoughts. Granted we all want to see continued growth, but what can we do to sow the seeds? It’s time to peel back the onion and take a hard look at how your firm operates. Is your business paralleling what the market is doing or stuck in ways of the past? My firm used to place secretaries, receptionists and the like, but that market has all but evaporated due to cutbacks and technology enhancements. We began focusing our energies where we believe the future was headed; higher level office positions, accounting, IT and healthcare.

We used to have several branches throughout the city, today we do everything out of one location with fewer employees. Ironically we are having better sales with one branch than we had with many while enjoying significant operational efficiencies. Historically we spent a tidy sum advertising in the Yellow Pages and help wanted sections of the local newspapers. Now we utilize online resources, essentially moving money from antiquated expenses to modern that make better sense.

We have also embraced new ideas that demonstrate our firm is on board with technology. We are using TalentRooster “intelligent resumes” to help us create a competitive edge over our competitors. We felt that while our competitors are still sending our paper resumes, we’d stand out by sending video resumes. And we’ve had some success…many clients have embraced our new offering, and some now only want to see video resumes.

I hope you find these tips helpful to your business – Happy selling!

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