Empowering companies to strut their stuff in the digital age.

Saturday, September 25, 2010 from TalentRooster

Fox News On Video Resumes

A friend of mine was listening to the news while driving home from a business trip. His ears perked up when he heard this story. I guess he's heard me talk about video resumes for the past several months and now I feel vindicated!

In this piece it's interesting to note how many of these candidates are "doing it wrong" by posting their video on YouTube. You don't want your professional video on the same site that hosts cartoons and wet t-shirt contests. It shouldn't be funny or quirky - you should treat it as the first interview - exactly how you would like an employer to see you.
Also, it needs to be much more than just a video. Make sure your video serves as a "one stop shop" for your entire work history, inclusive of your traditional resume, video resume, personality profile, relevant test scores, ability to link to social media and more.

In the news clip it was clear that more and more employers are beginning to rely on video as a key component of their interview process - it just makes sense. Providing hiring managers one link where they can find all the information they need is a crucial step in getting you to the front of the line. Happy Hunting!

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