You are recruiting for a position. You post ads on Monster, Career Builder, Craigslist and several other sites. Within moments of posting your position resumes start pouring in - hundreds of them, maybe more. You've been doing it this way for ten years or more and candidates always respond. But of those responses, how many are truly qualified? Statistically it's less than three percent - no matter how well you write the posting!
Compounding this challenge is that it takes no effort for a candidate to submit a resume - they have no investment. In fact, many rely on resume aggregators that automatically submit their resume based on key words in each posting. That's right - many of the resumes you receive were automatically sent without the candidate even reading the posting!
Here's the good news - companies are getting smarter and moving forward with technology to combat this issue. Many are incorporating video in the applications process, which requires the candidate to show a little initiative and make an effort. There is no doubt that video will continue to proliferate the recruiting process as it makes too much sense. Following is a powerful example. This firm had an opening for a B2B sales representative. Rather than "post and pray", they got smart and required video as part of the submission process - it worked! Of the candidates received, all took the time to complete the video and answer specific questions about the opening - how much time (and money) would this save your firm? Click here to see their CB post. Contact to learn how video resume technology can streamline your existing processes.
The Crow
Empowering companies to strut
their stuff in the digital age.
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