How long did owners of eight track tapes fight the cassette? How long did the cassette fight the CD? When did the CD finally acquiesce to digital? The 401K plan was enacted into law in 1980, yet it took a full decade for most people to get on board... See a pattern here?
With today's announcement that Microsoft is purchasing Skype for 8.5B, it has become apparent that video technology is more than a passing phase. It is no longer a question of if this technology will become widely accepted, but when. The only question is will you be an early adopter or wait for others and follow?
Yesterday TalentRooster attended a job fair and quickly became the center of attention as job seekers were eager to differentiate themselves. One reporter did a nice story that was posted on YouTube. Of course, we felt the story did a nice job of explaining video technology and what it can do for both job seekers and hiring managers. Unfortunately the 200,000 plus video resumes on YouTube have given this emerging market a soiled name... Don't worry! TalentRooster was the first to standardize this process and make certain it is entirely professional. Our technology was built with the understanding that most people aren't very technology savvy. We knew that if it was difficult of time consuming, no one would use it.... Take 10 minutes and create your TalentRooster digital video profile - post it on your social media sites! No question it will increase your chance for hire versus others sending the one dimensional "paper" resume. Good luck in your search!
The Crow
Empowering companies to strut
their stuff in the digital age.
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