As technology continues to evolve at warp speed, many job seekers continue to fall further behind - don't let it happen to you! Essential to landing your next opportunity is understanding technology and demonstrating that you are continuously embracing and learning. You don't have to be Mark Zuckerberg, just take the initiative. This challenge is not exclusive to job seekers, but hiring managers as well. Since hiring managers struggle to keep pace, they are eager to hire those that "get it" and can help them learn (and keep their jobs!).
Business as usual will not suffice in an information age. Many companies are coming to the realization that they must embrace technology trends and social media to remain relevant. Just last week, we met with a client that wants to incorporate a social media / technology strategy. However, their current person has been with them for almost 20 years and is really struggling to run with the plan. In fact, this employee asked about "hiring someone younger to implement the plan"... I'm not kidding - can you imagine? With 10% unemployment and hundreds of people applying for every position, you better get on board and fast!
Traditionally, one of the last adopters of technology are Human Resource professionals. Granted there are some pros that thankfully lead (and the others eventually come around) but by and large most do not. Ironically, there is simple technology that dramatically improves a significant function of Human Resources responsibility - video resume technology. How much time would be saved by requiring candidates to answer questions specific to a position in a professional video format? Who wouldn't want to see and hear a candidate before committing to a face to face interview? There's no doubt that the traditional paper resume is headed for obsolesence, being quickly replaced by digital video technology, complete with links to social media, graphics and more. Savvy HR professionals could have 90% of the relevant hiring information before ever committing to an interview!
Job seekers are taking note as well. Just last week Google received over 75,000 resumes for one job posting! Think how much faster you could jump the line by sending over a professional digital video profile! Google is light years ahead of their competitors by embracing technology and continually pushing the envelope. Show them YOU are doing the same in your job search. Go to and complete your professional digital video profile and take control of your job search. No question you will stand out from the crowd. Good luck in your search!
The Crow
Empowering companies to strut
their stuff in the digital age.
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