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Wednesday, September 1, 2010 from TalentRooster

LinkedIn Promoting Video Resumes

You had to know it was coming - finally the biggest player in the social media / job hunting space is going video. You've got to read this piece to learn more - very compelling stuff! Now that LinkedIn is off and running with video resume technology, the market will be more receptive than ever. Even those stuck behind the discrimination paradigm may finally get on board that the hiring process has forever changed. You didn't seriously believe that job seekers would always use a piece of paper to market themselves - did you?

Remember - DON'T just create a video - it's so much more than that!! Do it right, professional and consistent. TalentRooster profiles include: traditional resume, video resume, personality profile, links to social media, relevant test scores, background checks, drug test and much more. Our technology can provide hiring managers with 80% of the hiring information they need BEFORE they every commit to an interview. Better yet you can send a link to a candidate to record from home or anywhere in the world!

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