Video Resume technology continues to proliferate and become more widely accepted. Upon reading this article, it appears that human resource leadership is warming up to the idea. This powerful technology enables a hiring manager to send specific questions to a candiate to answer in both a video and written format. The ability to "see and hear" candidates, prior to an interview is quickly revolutionizing this ages old process.
Conversely, candidates can create their own video profiles answering questions specific to the company where they wish to apply - how cool is that? Savvy candidates can do some homework and learn about the company and they type of attributes they value most. Simply create your digital video profile with that information in mind - you will blow hiring managers away! Put yourself in the hiring managers shoes. Would you rather sort through hundreds of paper resumes or click a link and view candiates that took the time to learn about the position and answer relevant questions? No question candidates that complete this process will have a huge advantage over everyone else.
As résumé coach Laura Smith-Proulx notes, all too many Jobless Joes are sticking by their one-page .pdfs, as if the career world is desperate to hire more candidates versed in Mesozoic Era traditions.
"The single page résumé with an objective up top really went the way of the dinosaurs," she says. "A lot of people are still very reluctant to create something that’s cutting edge because they've never seen a résumé that looks cutting edge."
Give yourself every advantage possible by creating your digital video resume! Check out to learn more.
The Crow
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